
Ask an Inkblot: Stephen Hayes, Implementation Manager

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Stephen, center, with co-workers at a Color Run

Where are you from?

Arlington, Virginia

Why did you join Inkling?

I joined Inkling not long after graduating from school, so I was inspired by fresh memories of toting around heavy, expensive textbooks in my backpack. I love that Inkling is helping publishers invent new content models that move away from bound textbooks. It’s satisfying knowing that our product helps people build more compelling learning content.

What do you do?

When we start working with a new partner, my job is to translate the client’s vision into an implementation plan here at Inkling. I then work hand in hand with our internal and external teams to roll out the people, workflow, and product solutions that make our partners successful.

What has been your proudest moment at Inkling?

I helped define a process that uses Inkling Habitat (our digital authoring tool) to build print products, too. We convert Habitat HTML content into XML files for InDesign, which frees up our partners to add editorial magic that retains the look and feel of a high-fidelity print product. It’s fun knowing that customers ordering a print title through Amazon might be reading content that was built using Habitat!

What do you do in your spare time?

I have a tendency to get periodically absorbed in topics that interest me. In elementary school, I was an avid birder. I read ornithology books for fun and went birding every weekend. I think this confused my parents.


Next it was history: I read anything I could get my hands about the Civil War and World War II. Now I find myself drawn to South Africa. I studied abroad there and love its diversity, history, and natural beauty. I also like normal things like biking, skiing and traveling.


What’s your favorite book?

Nine Stories by JD Salinger.

What do you love about working at Inkling?

The people. So many smart, passionate coworkers in design, engineering, operations, sales, etc. I’ve also enjoyed being a part of our evolution from a young start-up into a focused, more mature business. (Don’t worry, we still have fun).

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