
Ask an Inkblot: Quintin Carlson, Product Designer


Where are you from?

Jacksonville, Florida

Why did you join Inkling?

Back when I was a freshman at Carnegie Mellon, I downloaded the Inkling reader out of curiosity. The app blew me away, and I kept Inkling in the back of my mind when I graduated.


I’m excited to work here because I’ve always hated the way that educational material is presented, whether that material is for students or employees. As technology continued to improve and change, it felt like educational material was being left behind. But with Inkling, designing ugly, boring content is nearly impossible, which, as a recent grad, I’m thankful for.

What do you do?

I help design new features for Inkling Habitat [our cloud-based authoring environment]. I focus on enhancing its capabilities for all of the authors that are writing, designing and building content in Habitat.

What has been your proudest moment at Inkling?

My proudest moment was when we showed the new Configure Project tab to the entire company. Everyone was really excited about the new design, from Client Solutions to Sales. It was gratifying to see our weeks of research, design, and testing really pay off.

My latest work: the Project Setup tab, which replaces a gear in the top bar.

What do you do in your spare time?

I enjoy flying around the country, mostly for the fun of the journey. All of the things that make people stressed and upset actually inspire me.

Flying around the country & stopping at every Apple store along the way.

What’s your favorite book?

My favorite book is Paper Towns by John Green. Partly because the main character shares my name (Quentin/Quintin, close enough), but it also contains everything an amazing book should have: mystery, poetry, and spontaneous road trips.

What do you love about working at Inkling?

The people here are by far the most intelligent and kindhearted people I’ve ever worked with! I’m always impressed and learning from my coworkers every day.

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