
Empowering Sales to Make the Leap to Mobile

In sales, rep ramp times and productivity drive revenue, so every advantage matters. But we’ve seen sales organizations of all sizes struggle to get their most valuable training and reference content onto the phones and tablets their reps are already using almost every hour of the workday.

Of course, this problem isn’t unique to sales; it’s a universal problem. PowerPoint, Adobe’s desktop tools, and even Google Docs just don’t provide the software needed to create the right content and push it seamlessly to your reps.

We’ve been excited to watch our own customers use Inkling to move to mobile and generate measurable results. We’ve had customers roll out multiple comprehensive, engaging training guides to their reps’ iPads and iPhones in just four weeks. By replacing traditional binders, these companies can cut printing and shipping costs to zero, and now routinely update their guides with the push of a button.

Best of all? They get realtime data. They’re able to see who’s using what, when they’re using it, and what pieces of training and reference material are most frequently accessed by the sales team. They’ve proven that their iPad deployment is successful. It’s pretty cool.

Focusing on Sales Success

In celebration of the success that our sales customers have seen, we’re launching a campaign to bring the mobile revolution to sales team development. We’ll be highlighting the organizations and technologies that are leading the way, and we’ll be rolling out a series of sales-focused blog posts, webinars, and events.

We’re excited to become more involved with the sales training community at large. Together, we can forge a path forward to better leverage the power of mobile for improving sales velocity by engaging and empowering your sales professionals. Here are some sales-focused events to put on your calendar this month:

[Event] Training Industry Conference & Expo: May 5th – May 8th in Raleigh, NC

[Webinar] “4 Must-Know Strategies for Excellent Mobile Sales Training” led by Senior Product Manager, Katie Holden, with ATD: May 6th at 11am PST

[Event] SiriusDecisions: May 12th – 15th in Nashville, TN

[Event] ATD International Conference and Exposition: May 17th – 20th in Orlando, FL

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