
Top 5 Best Inkling Blogs of 2015

Another year, another eclectic collection of ideas, strategy and discussion surrounding cloud-based content management, learning and development, and employee performance. This year, Inkling’s covered everything from the very worst training methods you could possibly use, to what happens when you ditch the intranet. (We’ll give you a hint: it’s awesome.) Celebrate wrapping up 2015 by checking out some of the best blog posts that we’ve published this year. Can we outdo ourselves next year?

5 Signs That You’ve Outgrown Your Training Binders

It’s astonishing how many companies continue to use training binders in the year 2015, and we sincerely hope that’s not going to be the case continuing through 2016. We’ve made it our mission to liberate as many L&D departments from their training binders as possible. Don’t worry, you’ll thank us after you read this blog post.

While binders definitely had their place in the past, there’s just no reason to continue using static content when the whole workplace is becoming increasingly more dynamic by the day. Start reading to get to the solution.

Winter is Coming for Your PDF! (Or, Why Your PDF Will Soon Be Obsolete)

Remember what we said about training binders just a second ago? Well, it’s true for PDFs too. Once you’ve published a PDF, there’s no going back and revising it without having to deal with a million cumbersome file versions–which you still have to redistribute to all of your employees once it’s up-to-date.

We’ll give you a reason to go back and re-watch last season of Game of Thrones, because as far as static content delivery is concerned, “winter is coming!” Only in this case, winter is a crazy need for mobile, secure and dynamic content in the workplace. Be prepared! PDFs are slipping away, and we won’t miss them one bit.

The Secret to Training ‘Google First, Ask Questions Later’ Employees

What’s your first impulse when your niece asks you how much a Tyrannosaurus Rex weighs? Do you sit there and think really hard about it for ten minutes, then finally admit defeat, or do you whip out your phone and find the answer in a quick second?

We’re never going to stop pulling out our smartphones to answer the hard questions that life throws at us, and that holds true for the workplace too. Now all you need to do is optimize your reference material and other work-related content so that employees can answer their own questions just as quickly as they can Google the answers to their relatives’ most perplexing quandaries.  

5 Things Your Sales Candidates Should Do to Ace the Interview

Sometimes it can be hard to judge whether a candidate for your sales team translates as well to real-world interviewing as he looks on paper. Think about what you’re looking for and identify some qualities you’d love to see on your team. Ask the right questions and pick her brain. Here’s what you’re looking for as a baseline, in case your interview game needs some oomph.

We Decided to Ditch Our Intranet For Good. Here’s What Happened.

Inkling had a major milestone as a company this year–we finally realized that we were going nowhere with our intranet, so we flung it out the window. Employees check literally every other resource before checking the Intranet: Google, e-mail, even sauntering from desk to desk to ask “Hey, have you seen…?” over and over again. You read that right: we resorted to bothering each other before we’d resort to checking the Intranet.

Worry not, however: we’re finally accessing our content via Project Inkternal, an Axis Library-powered platform for housing digital content. Here’s how that’s working out for us.

Bonus Infographic: Improve Employee Performance with Modern Learning Tools

This one isn’t a blog post in the strictest sense of the world, but it’s packed full of great information that can continue benefiting you into the new year. For instance, how we all have terrible memory in the workplace. In fact, after a 90-day window, we only retain 16% of what we learn. So how do we deal with that? It’s easy with modern training tools that supplement our memory rather than relying on it.

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