Reduce Employee Turnover with Successful Employee Onboarding

The focus on retaining your employees and reducing employee turnover begins on their very first day of work with successful employee onboarding, because as the old adage goes: you don’t get a second chance to make a positive first impression.
Most companies are in a continuous cycle of onboarding new employees and struggling to understand what successful employee onboarding looks like. This challenge becomes even more complex when you’re dealing with a distributed workforce, deskless workers, or high turnover.
If you’re in any of these situations, you can combat hiring challenges with successful employee onboarding. Companies with a strong onboarding process improve hire retention by 82% and productivity by over 70%.
Making a Positive First Impression
A digital employee enablement platform ensures that both new hires and existing employees have on-demand access to critical information at all times. It’s especially important for the employee onboarding experience because you can set expectations early, instill confidence, and demonstrate that new employees will always have access to the learning and training they need to be successful.
Another key is ensuring that new hires clearly understand how your company works and their role in delivering a positive customer experience. When employees fail to understand their role or job description, it can be costly for everyone—nearly $37 billion is lost each year in the United Kingdom and the United States due to employee misunderstanding.
Setting Employees Up for a Successful Future
One of the most important employee training and development benefits is showing new hires that they have a future with your company.
Many companies allow employee engagement to fall after initial onboarding, but if you truly want to keep that investment you made in your new hire, showing them how they can grow with your company goes a long way. Training teams who use a digital learning platform have more time to look to the future and create those learning pathways that can lead to loyal, top-performing employees.
If you’re wondering what else you can do to reduce turnover, start from the first impressions of new employees by improving your onboarding process.